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CCMO Alumni Memorial Scholarship

Donate online at our custom, secure Cornell Annual Fund site which has the CCMO Scholarship info pre-filled. Just complete the form and submit.

The Scholarship:

Each year, for over 25 years, the Cornell Club of Monmouth and Ocean Counties (CCMO) in New Jersey grants one or two scholarships to local Cornell students. These students are entering their senior year, have done well academically, and have a large financial aid need. The CCMO Award lowers the student's loan portion of their financial aid package; they graduate with a smaller loan.

The Club raises money through individual donations and raffles at events. In the past couple of years, we've been able to award between $2,500 and $4,000 in total.

The Students:

Past awardees have included a physics major who was headed to grad school to eventually work in energy alternatives, an engineering major who wants to start his own business, and an economics major who is interested in international relations. The list below of awardees from the last 21 years illustrates their diversity in high schools and majors.

All of the past awardees have been extremely appreciative of the scholarship support, especially since it comes from local Cornellians. Some comments taken from their thank you notes:

..."how much I appreciate this award; is hard to believe how much I've accomplished and learned both academically and about myself as a person"

..."the scholarship helps ease the burden on my family after all the sacrifices my mother has made for both my brother and me."

..."I grew up in a family where money was always tight; ...your award helps me afford Cornell which has given me a shot at upward mobility.

The Funds:

We fund the scholarship through two sources: raffles at CCMO events, and through individual donations. You can donate the same way you can give to the Cornell Annual Fund, same tax deduction, same gift matching if you have it--just designate the donation to the "Cornell Club of Monmouth & Ocean Alumni Memorial Scholarship".

The Background:

The award is named in honor of four local deceased alumni leaders:
Ann and Bob Ready, both '49, served in leadership roles but, beyond that, their spirit and energy encouraged other alumni to take on active roles.
Pat Fontecchio '63 served as CCMO president and organized our local Cornell Fund Phonathon for many years.
Peg McNulty '51 served as our first CCMO president and put in place 30 years of Club success.

The Awardees (since 2001-02):

Year Division Major Home HS
2024-25 Engr Biomed Engr Marlboro Colts Neck
2024-25 ILR ILR Brick Brick Twp
2023-24 Engr Civil Engr Matawan Matawan Regional
2022-23 Engr Elec Comp Engr Pt Pleasant Boro Pt Pleasant Beach
2021-22 HumEc Public Health Cliffwood Matawan Regional
2020-21 Business Business Brick Twp. Brick Memorial
2020-21 CALS Ornithology & Environment Brick Twp. Marine Academy
2019-20 Arts Biology Matawan Biotech
2018-19 Business Business Rumson CBA
2018-19 Arts Asian Studies Morganville Colts Neck
2017-18 Arts Psychology Jackson CBA
2017-18 Arts Economics Wall Wall
2016-17 ILR ILR Leonardo Middletown N
2016-17 Arts Neuroscience Middletown Middletown S
2015-16 Engr Mech Eng Marlboro High Tech
2014-15 Arch Fine Arts Allentown Peddie
2013-14 CALS Plant Sci Farmingdale Biotech
2012-13 HumEc Policy Anal & Mgt Howell Howell
2011-12 Arts Econ Morganville Marlboro
CALS Bio Sci Morganville Freehold Boro
2010-11 NO AWARD    
2009-10 ILR Labor Relations Howell Howell
2008-09 Engr Mech Eng Eatontown High Tech
2007-08 Engr Elec & Comp Engr Hazlet High Tech
2006-07 Arts Philosophy Ocean Ocean Twp
2005-06 Arts Physics Freehold Manalapan
2004-05 Arts Econ Oakhurst Ocean Twp
2003-04 Arts Math Middletown Middletown North
2002-03 Arts Psychology Manalapan Manalapan
2001-02 Engr Comp Sci Colts Neck Holmdel
Names are omitted to protect awardees' privacy